

In addition to Djerassi’s full-time commitment to his clients and to serving the people of Philadelphia from the bench, he has also dedicated hundreds of volunteer hours in the community. He finds particular fulfillment when he can use his legal background to support organizations in delivering on their stated mission.

Habitat for Humanity–West Philadelphia

Judge Djerassi began volunteering with Habitat for Humanity as legal counsel before serving as board President during the 1990s. During that time, Djerassi and other volunteers built 42 homes on Stiles Street in West Philadelphia. Djerassi is particularly proud of what he—and Habitat—achieved in 1996, when they passed an ordinance so that the recipients of homes through the organizations did not have to pay the transfer tax.

Temple American Inn of Courts

Djerassi is a former President of the Temple American Inn of Courts. In 2017, he led the Temple American Inn of Court’s fourth international mission since 2010—and its first ever trip to Israel. The purpose of the trip was to learn how political and cultural contexts influence law, and included meetings with the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General, and a member of the Supreme Court of Israel. During the trip, Djerassi and 24 other judges and lawyers were inspired as they met with Holocaust survivors on Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah), swam in the Dead Sea, prayed at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and danced at the Western Wall.

Jewish Advocacy

Djerassi is a passionate, Jewish advocate, and is active at various synagogues across Philadelphia, as well as with a number of Jewish organizations. He was the President of Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel from 1997-2001, and served on the international board of the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism from 2003-2010. He is currently a board member of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) of South Jersey and Philadelphia.

Paid for by Ramy Djerassi